Minds are shaped by the power
of God

Hearts are cultivated by the Word of God

Love of Jesus is embodied in serving others
We acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Messiah, Lord and Savior. In every decision we make, we strive to honor Him first. We are committed to integrating the Bible into every subject and honoring Jesus through personal conduct and our efforts at loving one another. It is Jesus who saves us and, through the Holy Spirit, it is Jesus who teaches us how to live here on earth.
We must know Jesus before we can imitate Him. At CCA we are committed to helping children recognize they were designed for a purpose, discover their own spiritual gifts, and be given opportunities to reflect Christ in the world around them.
We believe that serving in the community develops compassion in children by exposing them to the abundance of need around them. We are committed to giving CCA students opportunities to serve in existing organizations and to create and develop ministries of the school, glorifying Christ by loving others as Jesus did.
We desire Christian education to be an option for every child. Our commitment to accessibility means we are committed to meeting your family’s unique financial situation, thus building an economically diverse student body that truly represents the city we serve.
We want all students to succeed at CCA. Our low student to teacher ratio allows us the opportunity to meet the unique learning needs of our students through individualized instruction. We are committed to honoring God by recognizing His handiwork and by valuing our students’ needs, challenging them where they excel and meeting them where they struggle.
CCA Core Commitments

CCA has been blessed with the opportunity to lease part of a building on the Christ the King campus. We are located in the north wing of the school building, adjacent to The Learning Club.

Property boasts large hard surface area for playground, basketball, kickball, and four square.
Space consists of 9 generous size classrooms, in addition to library, art, and music rooms. Students eat lunch in the dining hall of the church on campus.
Location of the building and fencing around the school property provides a safe and secure environment

Variable Tuition
Due to the rising cost of private school education, Christian education is out of reach for many in KCK. The desire exists, but options are few. Community Christian Academy has a program that makes Christian education a true option for area families.
At CCA, we believe that every child deserves an academically challenging, Christ-centered education, and we are committed to making this education available to as many families as possible.

Statement of Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy
Community Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.